Monday, December 28, 2009

How to magnify eye color in photoshop elements 8?

My wife has just gotten into digital photography. We have figured out how to create a black and white photo and bring color back to certain areas of the photo, But some phots we've seen by other photographers is they somehow magnify that color such as the eyes. We've read that you can change the color of the object by coloring the pixels but that looks very fake. Hopefully someone can recommend something and i hope i have provided a clear question.How to magnify eye color in photoshop elements 8?
u can try this link here r best eyes tutorials to magnify eye color in photoshop elements 8?
If you work with Elements long enough, you'll find out there are multiple ways to do just about everything - including eye color.

Here are some very good tutorials. You'll find Changing Eye Color tutorials on p 6 and the video tutorial on p 5.鈥?/a>

These tutorials don't provide a lot of screen shots. Here's one with pictures. You can use the selection brush to select the pupils of the eyes, too.鈥?/a>

To just bring out the natural color of the eyes. Select them then Enhance%26gt;Color%26gt;Hue and Saturation and slide the Saturation slider to the right.

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