Monday, December 28, 2009

How can i work as a Photoshop artist online?

I'm an experienced Photoshop artist and I want to work on image enhancing etc online and hence establish my self a s digital artist with online clients. I want to eventually quit my day job as this will be my career. Does anyone know how i can go about this?How can i work as a Photoshop artist online?
To start any business you need to advertise. Do not spam anyone, that will turn them off of you for sure.

Perhaps you can find a few local small businesses and offer them a free trial. You then will have something to show as a portfolio.How can i work as a Photoshop artist online?
A great site that you should visit isThis site is free and will show you how to earn money online the legit and easy way. I earn about $1200 each month and work about 1-2 hours per day. You are guaranteed to get paid, so you don't have to worry about this being some sort o Report Abuse

The VERY first thing that you need to do before you even think of advertising is to establish a website that showcases your skills. If you're working online, no one will be able to meet you face to face, so your work online must make that first impression for you. At the very least you need to have a complete portfolio online. Better yet a fully designed website. After that, think of advertising locally to build a client base that will support you as you branch out to more clients that are not quite so close. And I HIGHLY recommend that you do not quit your day job until you have an ESTABLISHED and consistent client base. I am a third generation graphic designer, and I know from experience that this market is FLOODED with talented people right now.
There are many ways. If you want to do stuff for your client there are couple of options

1. you do the work on your computer and your client sees it and provides feedback and recommend changes (with a yellow marker) - you can use net meeting from Microsoft or Webex

2. you want to do the work on your client computer directly by getting access to it and show them how to do it or just do it

- you can use webex

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